traditional stone finish to home office and double garage rendered horse stable with insulated roof system large-double-garage-with-workshop-and-toilet-facilities large single garage with log and bin store to side large single garage finished with stone gable large private stables with storage facilities large double garage with workshop and toilet facilities double garage with office, toilet and art studio conversion of outbuildings to recording studio and holiday accomodation conversion of outbuildings to recording studio and holiday accomodation (2) conversion of outbuildings to recording studio and holiday accomodation (3) conversion of outbuildings to recording studio and holiday accomodation (4) conversion of outbuildings to recording studio and holiday accomodation (5) conversion of outbuildings to gym, recording studio and holiday accomodation conversion of outbuildings to gym, recording studio and holiday accomodation (2) conversion of outbuildings to gym conversion of outbuildings to gym (2) conversion of outbuildings to gym (3) conversion of outbuildings to gym (4) conversion of outbuildings to gym (5) 3 bay horse stable with storage facilities